Monday, July 5, 2010

Government relationship with the American Natives

State authorities and responsibilities to foster dignity and self-reliance in American Native culture

  • Please add to this list and I invite suggestions on sources of information that will lead to sound decision making.

Water Resources

North Dakota's rights and stewardship to Missouri River water
Responsibilities, roles and impacts of flooding
Ground water usage and sources of risk
  • Please add to this list and I invite suggestions on sources of information that will lead to sound decision making.

Property taxes

Impacts of present and proposed North Dakota property tax law as it pertains to agriculture, rural communities and urban communities
  • Please add to this list and I invite suggestions on sources of information that will lead to sound decision making.


Impacts of cap and trade on state's economy
Multiple energy development, infrastructure, taxes and value added energy
  • Please add to this list and I invite suggestions on sources of information that will lead to sound decision making.


Role of state government
Job creation in private sector
Involvement of state employees in politics and development of state legislation
  • Please add to this list and I invite suggestions on sources of information that will lead to sound decision making.


Development of early childhood education programs based on sound evidence and principles
Student loan program utilizing the Bank of North Dakota
Education and local leadership.

  • Please add to this list and I invite suggestions on sources of information that will lead to sound decision making.


Administrating and conducting the control of noxious weeds at the county level.

The perceptions and realities of livestock care and handling.

  • Please add to this list and I invite suggestions on sources of information that will lead to sound decision making.

Issues of Concern: The Dialogue Begins.

As I travel District 31, I ask folks to educate me on what they believe are the most pressing issues and possible solutions.

The issues most heard from the people of District 31 are identified and in no particular order. Since we would appreciate hearing your thoughts on the issues, we have separated each to its own entry.

We also invite you to tell us what other issues are of major concern to you.

As the campaign proceeds, I will continue to ask for input from the residents regarding issues impacting their way of life. That input will be posted for your comments.

I would sincerely appreciate hearing from you.

We reserve the right to remove any postings that use offensive language.